Know The Facts
It is important to know the basic realities of what is going on so that you can make proper plans and be equipped to deal with whatever arises as best as possible. In addition, the facts are often less frightening than the rumors you are hearing on the street. Understand the statistics of this, this is truly a rare event.


Minimize Media Overexposure
Once you have gotten the facts for the day, do not continue to watch and read the same stuff over and over. Repeated exposure will likely increase your feelings of anxiety and helplessness.
Keep Living Your Life
It’s natural to feel anxious about attending public events or being in crowded places, but as difficult as it may be, it’s important to keep things in perspective. There are millions of towns and cities and statistically, you are less likely to be involved in a terrorist attack than you are to be struck by lightning.
Share The News With Older Children
Explain to older children what has happened. They will hear about the news and, if you don’t address it with them, be frightened that you thought it was too awful to tell them and you kept it secret. With younger children, explain what happened, but don’t let them
Share Only Age-Appropriate Facts
Give children only the facts they need to know — not gory details. Tell them they can talk with you about their fears or concerns.
Talk To Friends
Talking things over is helpful and better than staying isolated and worried. But avoid anyone who is very panicky and wants to pump you up with anxiety.
Help Yourself By Helping Others
In situations where you have no control, helping can be the best cure. Raising money for people directly affected by tragic events or even sending a card or flowers to express your support makes people feel like they are not alone.
Distract Yourself
Do things that you can have control over, like your work, volunteer work, organizing your home or going to the movies. Read and watch more positive and fun things.
Stay Healthy
Avoid caffeine, which can make you jittery. Go out and exercise to relieve stress. And minimize alcohol which disrupts sleep.
Get Help
If you experience the following symptoms — inability to function in daily life, two weeks of sleeplessness, loss of concentration or enjoyment of anything, loss of appetite, overwhelming feelings of worry and panic (with or without nausea, sweating, palpitations, breathlessness and sense of doom) — then please seek professional help.